Tuesday, August 31, 2010

                                                         Brazilian Indians

Organization and group survival
  Brazilian Indians survive using the resources offered by the natural environment with the aid of rudimentary processes. They hunt, plant, fish, collect and produce the tools necessary for these activities. The and belongs to all group members and each one takes it for themselves.
There is a division of task by age and sex: in general it is the woman taking care of the home, children and gardens, the man is responsible for defense, hunting (which may be individual or collective), and the harvest food in the forest.The elders - men and women - get great respect from all. The experience gained by years of life turns them into symbols of tribal traditions.The "Pajé" is a kind of healer and spiritual advisor.

The chief of the tribe  The Indians live in villages and often are led by chiefs, who are called cacique, or tuxánas morubixabas. The transfer of leadership can be inherited (from parent to child) or not. Bosses should lead to changes in the village, in the war, should maintain the tradition, determine daily activities and be responsible for contact with other villages or with the civilized. Often he is assisted by a council of men who assist in their decisions.

The healer and spiritual advisor of the tribe - Pajé

Food - fish

  Besides a thorough knowledge of life and habits of animals, the Indians have techniques that vary from nation to nation. 
In fishing, it is common use of vegetable substances (Tingui and Timbo, among others) which poison and stun fish, making them easier prey.
There are also traps for fishing, such as the "Pari of Tenetehara" - a basket fund with an aperture through which the fish comes behind the bait, but can not leave. Most Indians in Brazil practicing agriculture.

Some Indian tribes of Amazonia:

  • Arara
  • Bororo
  • Gavião
  • Katukina
  • Kayapó
  • Kulína
  • Marubo
  • Sateré - Mawé
  • Tenharim
  • Tikuna
  • Tukâno
  • Wai-Wai
  • Yanomami

Indigenous culture  The effort of the authorities to maintain cultural diversity among the Indians can avoid the disappearance of much of interest. A quarter of all drugs prescribed by Western medicine comes from plants of the forest, and three quarters were collected prescribed by the Western medicine comes from plants of the forest, and three quarters were collected from information on indigenous tribes.
  In education, language Tucana, despite the small number of words, is compared by linguists as the Greek language, for his wealth - structural features, for example, twelve different ways to conjugate the verb in the past.
Indian girl


The art blends everyday in their life. 
Body painting, for example, is a means of distinguishing the groups in which an indigenous society is divided, as it can be used as garnish. 
The red ink is extracted from annatto and blue, almost black, the genipap. For white, the Indians use the lime. The works made with feathers and bird feathers are the Indian feather art.

Some Indians perform works in wood. Painting and drawing are always connected to Indian pottery and basketry. The baskets are common in all tribes, varying the shape and type of straw that are made. Generally, the Indians associate the instrumental music to sing and dance.

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